
2019年1月30日—YouTuber啾啾鞋在超邊緣冷知識節目系列中介紹了RMIT(澳洲墨爾本皇家理工大學)行為學家聯合字體設計師開發的一套字型:SansForgetica。,Worksperfectly.Install,restartchrome.Thenturnontheextensionbyclickingonit.Itwillgofromblackcircletoaredfilledincircle.Highlighttext ...,2018年10月11日—Itaidsmemorybymakingitharderforpeopletoreadanytextwritteninthefont.Puttinganobstacletocomprehensioninth...

記憶吐司字型:提升記憶力的Sans Forgetica 該怎麼評價?

2019年1月30日 — YouTuber 啾啾鞋在超邊緣冷知識節目系列中介紹了RMIT(澳洲墨爾本皇家理工大學)行為學家聯合字體設計師開發的一套字型:Sans Forgetica。

Sans Forgetica

Works perfectly. Install, restart chrome. Then turn on the extension by clicking on it. It will go from black circle to a red filled in circle. Highlight text ...

Sans Forgetica is a font that aids memory

2018年10月11日 — It aids memory by making it harder for people to read any text written in the font. Putting an obstacle to comprehension in the reader's way ...

How To Install Sans Forgetica, The Font Backed By Cognitive ...

2018年10月12日 — Download Sans Forgetica from the website (direct link here). Extract the package to find the SansForgetica-Regular.otf file. Upload it ...

Sans Forgetica

2023年11月21日 — A team of designers and behavioural scientists at RMIT University has created a new font for the specific purpose of aiding memory retention. It ...

Can't Remember What You Read? Blame Font, Not ...

2018年12月17日 — It takes you a split second longer to recognize words in Sans Forgetica's 8-degree back-slant, triggering deeper cognitive processing. Use ...