
,2018年10月8日—This“memory-boosting”fontisstylizedwithaleft-leaningslantandgapsineachlettermeanttoencourageyoureyestolingerlonger.,2019年6月19日—Ourbrainsusememorytostoreinformationandthenretrieveitlateron.ItwastheuniversitythatsuggestedBanhamdevelopthisfont:“They ...,2023年11月21日—AteamofdesignersandbehaviouralscientistsatRMITUniversityhascreatedanewfontforthespecificpurposeofaidingmemoryret...

Sans Forgetica is the Typeface You Won't Forget

2018年10月8日 — This “memory-boosting” font is stylized with a left-leaning slant and gaps in each letter meant to encourage your eyes to linger longer.

The secrets behind memory

2019年6月19日 — Our brains use memory to store information and then retrieve it later on. It was the university that suggested Banham develop this font: “They ...

Sans Forgetica

2023年11月21日 — A team of designers and behavioural scientists at RMIT University has created a new font for the specific purpose of aiding memory retention. It ...

How To Install Sans Forgetica, The Font Backed By Cognitive ...

2018年10月12日 — Download Sans Forgetica from the website (direct link here). Extract the package to find the SansForgetica-Regular.otf file. Upload it ...

Sans Forgetica

2018年10月11日 — Sans Forgetica is a typeface scientifically designed to help you remember your study materials and other written information. ☆ How to use Sans ...